The two-time Oscar nominee is holding onto her acceptance speech. She plays Lee Harvey Oswald's mother in the new drama…
Dakota Fanning plays Errol Flynn's last love, actress Dakota Aadland, in the biopic The Last of Robin Hood.
Chiwetel Ejiofor, Michael Fassbender and Lupita Nyong’o give powerful performances, but Steve McQueen's slavery drama may be a little overhyped.
Fred Topel reviews The Art of the Steal, starring Kurt Russell, Claire Denis' Bastards and The Last of Robin Hood,…
Jake Gyllenhaal and Hugh Jackman star in a kidnapping movie that plays like intellectual torture porn.
The co-creators of “Fringe” and writers of Star Trek explain the complicated premise of their new modern day “Sleepy Hollow”…
Rob Corddry reveals details about Hot Tub Time Machine 2 and more.
Benedict Cumberbatch stars as Julian Assange in a fascinating drama that lacks perspective.
The director and star of A Teacher discuss the film's sex scenes between a high school teacher and her student.
The director of the Leprechaun reboot, Leprechaun: Origins, thinks he can make homicidal Irish sprites scary again.