The HD picture quality and bonus features make this a must own, with a few minor reservations.
The "Up All Night" star tells us how often we can expect to see Gob Bluth in the long awaited…
Sexy temptress Mircea Monroe tells us what’s coming up for Morning Randolph and how she got so funny.
He hasn't seen the new film, but says he's 'always open' to crossing over from the original movie franchise.
Showtime’s David Nevins updates renewal prospects for all his series and new details on upcoming projects including Ron Howard's 'Conquest.'
The director of The Wolverine will begin shooting a new version of the Jean-Pierre Melville classic next summer, says the film's…
Producer Arthur Sarkissian says Jackie Chan and Chris Tucker are involved, teases plot ideas and a part reserved for Octavia…
Crews says he has more screen time, and that the sequel is 'the movie that Sly really wanted to make…
Jon Favreau reveals Pixar's involvement with his theme park fantasy, his ideas for the story and why you'll just have…
The director of Iron Man, originally attached to the sci-fi epic, compares his version to the western A Man Called…