The goal is to bring awareness to artists around the world imprisoned for their work.
Robert Mugge’s sobering 2006 documentary examines New Orleans’ music scene post-Katrina.
Wakelet has gathered everything he’s ever recorded in one convenient spot.
The short clip traffics in clichéd images played straight and then poetically upended.
The rapper/actor places Kanye’s label in historical perspective.
This 1936 doc on the Harlem Renaissance forces the viewer to abandon preconceptions and consider the artists sans cues on…
The clip for ‘Surfin’ just dropped, and the track’s poison-tipped lyrics resonate even more in the wake of Cudi’s recent…
A documentary about life and art of Curtis Mayfield reminds us that his music is timeless, and it’s needed right…
The talk show legend hosts an illuminating panel on the movie, followed by a performance by Hill that underscores the…
In the informative, infuriating ‘100 Years,’ contemporary Native struggles are contextualized.