Marvel released news about Black Panther, caught up with Thor, watched Spider-Man in class, and went to Disneyland with Groot.
The new preview, out of Comic-Con, finally displays a little of what the movie is about, and what some of…
You like giant apes? Of course you do. Hence, you should watch this preview for 'Kong: Skull Island.'
Batman assembles a league, gabs with the Flash, and asks Aquaman about the fish-talking thing.
Warner Bros. releases its first full-length, non-teaser trailer for 'Wonder Woman,' due in 2017.
Japan is releasing their own Godzilla film this year, beating its American counterpart by two years.
Gal Gadot revealed the new poster on her Twitter account.
The makers of 'Aliens' want to hear from you. Find out how to submit your questions to the SDCC panel.
The 'Star Trek' movies predicted a lot about the future. Sometimes they were way, WAY off.
The last Japanse company to make VCRs will finally stop production, making this the final nail in VHS's coffin.