Summer of Blood: Exclusive Vampire Office Clip

Every once in a while we all probably fantasize about being a vampire. Never dying, sporting cool clothes, irresistible to the opposite and/or the same sex, superpowers galore… that’s the life. Or at least that’s the un-life. Sure, drinking blood is a bit of a downside, but when you’re going to live forever, outside of the restrictive confines of mainstream morality, you probably stop worrying about the little things. Like what your boss thinks of you. Who could care less? 

Certainly not Erik Sparrow, the lazy-ass hero of Summer of Blood, a new vampire movie about a guy who catches a nasty case of vampirism after a series of terrible online dates. In this hilarious CraveOnline exclusive clip we see just how little he starts to care about his day job, and just how little anybody seems to think of their co-worker showing up to work covered in blood. Just another day at the office. Becoming a vampire is definitely an improvement in Summer of Blood.


Related: The 50 Greatest Vampire Movies Ever 


Summer of Blood is now available in theaters and on VOD. 

From the Press Release:

Writer/director Onur Tukel turns in a hilarious performance as the monumentally lazy, socially oblivious and commitment-shy Erik Sparrow, who is dumped by his career-woman girlfriend (Anna Margaret Hollyman, White Reindeer) when he rejects her rather charitable marriage proposal. Feeling lost, he turns to a disastrous string of online dates that successively eat away at his already-deteriorating confidence until a lanky vampire turns him into an undead ladykiller. Soon, Eric is prowling the streets of Brooklyn in search of anything to satisfy both his maniacal sex drive and his hunger for blood. A collision of absurd, self-deprecating wit and existential curiosity, Summer of Blood is a hilarious horror-comedy with a clever bite all its own.