During the ‘60s, the Batman craze hit Japan and one of the results was an original Batman Manga series written and drawn by Jiro Kuwata that was largely unknown in the United States until Chip Kidd’s book Bat-Manga!: The Secret History of Batman in Japan was published in 2008.
Earlier this year, DC began the releasing a complete collection of Kuwata’s run as Batman: The Jiro Kuwata Batmanga, a digital first title. For the first time, Kuwata’s Batman run is being released in America in its entirety.
This week, Batman: The Jiro Kuwata Batmanga Chapter # 13 kicks off a new three part storyline as Batman and Robin take on the enigmatic Go-Go The Magician as he uses his showmanship to steal the greatest treasures in Gotham City. Go-Go even claims that he can end Gotham City’s drought, but only if he gets what he wants.
Keep in mind that these pages retain the right-to-left sequencing of the original Manga.
Batman: The Jiro Kuwata Batmanga Chapter # 13 will be released this Saturday, September 27 via the DC Comics App, Readdcentertainment.com, iBooks, comiXology, Google Play, Kindle Store and the Nook Store.