Disney Takes Aim at Deadmau5 Over Iconic Ears

How it hasn’t happened until now is a mystery, but Deadmau5 is now up against the biggest set of ears in showbiz. Disney has formally entered the ring in the debate over whether Joel Zimmerman’s famous headgear is too similar to its logo.

According to TMZ, documents were filed Tuesday claiming that the Deadmau5 logo is too similar to Disney’s iconic Mickey ears, and despite the fact that he’s made a name for himself and operated with the mouse helmet for over a decade, they’re now trying to block him from getting a trademark on his own design in the U.S.

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Zimmerman’s attorney Dina LaPolt told TMZ that he already has a trademark for the Mau5 head in 30 other countries, and applied through the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office last year. Meanwhile, Disney counters that the Mickey ears have been in action for more than 60 years, and the image and business would be damaged in the U.S. and around the world if Zimmerman is allowed to continue. 

Deadmau5 is defiant, insisting that he won’t be bullied.