Update [2:15PM PST]: It’s finally working! However, it’s a 13.2 GB download, so it’ll be a while.
Update [12:20PM PST]: I am getting an error every time I try to download the client, as seen in the below image.

There are already people streaming the game on Twitch, so not everyone is affected. The issue is widespread, though.
The PS Store is also still very slow from heavy traffic. Destiny is really doing a number on the PSN servers.
Update [11:00PM PST]: Sony is now performing maintenance on the servers. The PlayStation Store, including code redemption and downloading Destiny, are temporarily unavailable.
Original Story: In case you didn’t know, the Destiny Beta starts today. For quite a few gamers it’s the highlight of this Summer. However, the early hours of this big day have been wrought with concern and issues.
Although the official FAQ says that beta keys will be sent to users on July 17th, many players including myself have awoken to an empty inbox. Thankfully, there’s a reason for that.
The official Bungie Twitter account posted the following at 8:43 PST:
The Destiny Beta is about to begin. Watch this space for updates. Your download keys will be avaialable very soon.
In other words, be patient and you should be playing by the end of the day.
Hopefully you haven’t taken the day off work, because not only are codes going out a bit later than expected, but PSN is down due to a “high volume of users“. The servers simply can’t handle this stress.
Related: Destiny Shows Off PlayStation Exclusive Content
Similar to Xbox Live, PSN now makes it mandatory to pay a subscription fee to access online play. It’s really frustrating that PSN is equally if not more unreliable than ever before despite this change.
Things should smooth out once there aren’t so many people downloading Destiny‘s Beta client at the same time. You can check the status of PSN here.
If you’re confused about how to get into the Beta, Bungie has posted an official FAQ that should help you out. It’s worth mentioning that today’s beta date is only for the PS3 and PS4, as Xbox platforms will join the fray on July 23rd.
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