Game of Thrones Features More CGI Than You’d Imagine

A new video highlighting the CGI used in Game of Thrones offers a revealing look into one of the most popular TV series around, and just how much time is spent on the show in post production.

While you’d guess that many facets of Game of Thrones were as a result of visual effects, such as dragons, White Walkers and the like, CGI is also used to enhance the look of the show in other aspects. Scenery such as castles, mountains and even the color of the sky are digitally enhanced, meaning that the majority of what you see onscreen isn’t organic.

It’s admittedly a little disheartening to see Westeros laid bare, but it’s also a huge credit to the show’s visual effects team that it can bring the fictional setting to life in such a way that you can forget that it’s the result of computer trickery.