Wanna See What Thousands of Junked Nintendo DS, 3DS Games Looks Like?

That, my friends, is a whole stinkin’ lotta Nintendo crap.

Reddit user HxCurt says he works in a recycling plant that bought this monster dump of discarded Nintendo DS and 3DS games for their gold scrap.

No way to tell exactly how many cartridges are in this 48″x48″x48″ box o’ refuse, but as the photo will attest, it’s a bunch.  And apparently, you weren’t the only one who didn’t buy a copy of iCarly 2: iJoin the Click because HxCurt says that one game comprises about 75% of this haul.

So, if you ever wanted to know what it would look like to play Scrooge McDuck and dive into a giant vat of Nintendo games, you’re welcome. 

We don’t have even the slightest clue why you would ever want to do that, but just in case…we’re here to make dreams come true.