Media Molecule is apparently not ready to show what it’s been working on. They took to Twitter this morning to share that they won’t be at E3 2014 despite many forecasting that they would have a huge bombshell to drop at the show, perhaps even virtual reality related.
The following was posted on Media Molecule’s official Twitter page:

Now, we’ve seen this play before. David Jaffe insisted that Twisted Metal wouldn’t appear at E3 2014, and then proceeded to walk on-stage during Sony’s Press Conference and break his promises. However, this is Media Molecule we’re talking about, and the odds are unlikely that they would do such a thing.
Although they probably won’t be at the show, they’ve had a look at some of Sony’s surprises and insist that gamers have a lot to be excited about, as indicated in the Tweet shown below:

Media Molecule published Tearaway for PS Vita last year, which went on to earn critical acclaim. Whatever they’re working on for PS4 is likely to be early in development. Last time we saw them they were excited for virtual realty platform Project Morpheus, and made it appear that they’ll be producing a game that supports the device.
Sony has a huge arsenal of first-party studios. Among them we expect to see what Team ICO, Naughty Dog, Polyphony Digital, and Guerilla Games Team 2 have been working on.