WWE RAW Recap 6/2/14: Seth Rollins Betrays The Shield

After the Payback PPV appeared to bring an end to a number of feuds that had gone way past their sell-by date, this week’s RAW in Indianapolis had an air of excitement surrounding it due to it likely marking the beginning of a number of new storylines to begin the road to Money in the Bank – and boy, did it deliver. Here’s our recap and review of a great episode of WWE RAW.

Batista quit the WWE

The episode began with Triple H addressing Evolution’s loss to The Shield at Payback, and Batista ultimately “quitting” the WWE in order to return back to Hollywood and promote the upcoming Guardians of the Galaxy, which he will be starring in.

Batista’s departure from the WWE came after Triple H denied him an opportunity to go one-on-one for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship, due to the champion Daniel Bryan being sidelined with a neck injury. “Even if I wanted to, Dave, I couldn’t give you a shot at the WWE World Heavyweight Championship tonight”, Triple H said. “Even if I did you’d probably choke in it anyway.” Cue a hilarious reaction from Randy Orton.

Batista’s latest run with the WWE hasn’t  been a successful one. Fan reaction went from ambivalent to overwhelmingly negative after he won the Royal Rumble, and him joining the reformed Evolution saw him largely playing the forgotten third-man. He was even eliminated first in the faction’s Payback match. With that being said I’ve found him to be entertaining, what with his bumbling promos and hilariously sweaty matches, but all good things must come to an end. 

Batista has displayed an admirable sense of humour regarding his failed comeback, and this was echoed in this segment. The ‘Royal Wave’ he made after bellowing “I QUIT!” at Triple H was gold. Unfortunately, it’s likely that Batista won’t be returning anytime soon. The company didn’t really have anywhere for him to go after the Evolution/The Shield feud, what with him having to be carried throughout most of his matches and there being no real singles feuds for him on the horizon, so maybe this marked the very last time we’ll see Batista in the WWE. I’ll miss you, Dave, you skinny-jean wearing, squinty-eyed motherf***er.


John Cena got a cheap pop with Stephanie McMahon

I can’t remember the last time John Cena had the whole crowd cheering for him without him having to pair up with someone a lot more well-loved than he is. Cena’s made a habit of getting some cheap pops off the back of Daniel Bryan for a while now, and he did it again during a segment with Stephanie McMahon in which she was discussing the fate of the WWE World Heavyweight Championship.

At Payback Daniel Bryan stated that he wouldn’t hand back the title despite being sidelined with an injury, so Stephanie McMahon came to the ring to propose that it should be vacated and put up for grabs in a Money in the Bank match at the next PPV. Then Cena’s music hit, he ran to the ring and the following conversation ensued:

John Cena: Yo Steph, I don’t think you should vacate that championship, dawg.

Stephanie McMahon: Why not? It’s what’s Best for Business.

John Cena: Yeah, but DANIEL BRYAN!

*Huge crowd pop*

Stephanie McMahon: …Daniel Bryan?

John Cena: He’s a good guy, man. And you’re not a nice lady. DANIEL BRYAN!

*Huge crowd pop*

John Cena: You can’t see me!

*Crowd remains silent*

John Cena: But you can see Daniel Bryan at some point in the near future when his neck is healed up!

*Huge crowd pop*

Stephanie then put Cena in a singles match with Kane, which ended with Cena throwing the steel steps at him. This better not be a match at Money in the Bank.


NEXT PAGE: The Shield is no more. >>