E3 2014: What Games to Expect from the PS4, Xbox One and Wii U

E3 2014 is so close we can almost taste it (it tastes a little bit like feverish anticipation, unhinged excitement and disappointment, if you were wondering) and we’re all prepared to see what Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo have to show us in regards to what they have planned for the future of their respective consoles. This is a big E3 for all three console manufacturers, as Sony attempts to maintain the PS4’s as the frontrunner of the pack, Microsoft hopes to unveil some Xbox One software that will knock Sony off its perch and Nintendo try to keep the Wii U alive as it continues to struggle on life support.

We’ve got a good idea of what all three companies will be unveiling to us over the course of the event, and while there will no doubt be some surprises thrown into the mix, here’s the games we think you should expect to see on Sony’s PS4, Microsoft’s Xbox One and Nintendo’s Wii U at E3 2014.


​We’re expecting great things from Sony and the PS4 at E3 2014. There aren’t many huge games on the horizon for the console at the moment, though it certainly boasts the largest amount of third-party developer support out of all the consoles, meaning that there will be great things in its future. As the current top dog in the home console market, Sony will be looking to prove why the PS4 is selling like hot cakes, and we predict it will court a slew of customers by revealing a selection of new iterations in its many flagship series, along with a few surprises.

Here’s what we think will be the highlights of the PS4’s showing at E3 2014:

Uncharted 4

This one is surely a no-brainer. With a new Uncharted for the PS4 having already been confirmed, we’re expecting a trailer and maybe even some gameplay footage of the next installment of Naughty Dog’s beloved series.

The fact that a number of Naughty Dog’s most talented staff have left the company, including Uncharted 4‘s writer Amy Hennig, makes us a little concerned regarding the future of the series. Uncharted 2 remains its and Naughty Dog’s magnum opus, and while Uncharted 3 didn’t match the quality of its predecessor it was still a great game. We hope that the behind-the-scenes troubles that Naughty Dog seems to be having won’t impact upon the quality of Uncharted 4, and we remain excited to see where the series is headed at E3 2014.


The Last Guardian

Call us suckers for believing that E3 2014 might finally be the year we receive a release date for The Last Guardian (or even confirmation that it’s still a thing that exists) but we can’t help but feel that Team Ico’s mysterious game might reappear with an announcement that it’s now being developed for the PS4.

For many, The Last Guardian was the game that they wanted to be the PS3’s swan song. Unfortunately that wasn’t to the case, though The Last of Us certainly filled those shoes rather adequately. However, we still want to see The Last Guardian in some capacity, and if Sony reveals that it’ll be making its way exclusively to the PS4 it will be huge news that will see Ico and Shadow of the Colossus fans (of which there are many) throwing their money at the hardware manufacturer.


LittleBigPlanet 3

While the series’ creators Media Molecule have stepped down from development on LittleBigPlanet 3, Sumo Digital is reportedly at the helm for the next installment.

Although LittleBigPlanet 3 hasn’t yet been formally announced, as one of Sony’s flagship titles it seems more than likely that it’s on its way. Whether this means it’ll make an appearance at E3 2014 remains to be seen, though we expect that Sony will have another big exclusive sequel up its sleeve aside from Uncharted 4, and with Knack largely falling on deaf ears LBP 3 would surely put the PS4 at the top of a lot of kids’ Christmas lists.


Next Page: What We Expect from the Wii U and Xbox One >>