Summer Grilling Guyd: BBQ Dragon Breathes Your Fire

Brace yourself. You’re going to be asked to fill in a punch line in about 60 seconds, based on your particular political or entertainment preferences. It’ll be like a Fryar’s Club Roast. Have fun with it. It’s the Summer Grilling Guyd, after all.

While propane works perfectly well to get your barbecue to table, true grilling masters insist charcoal is a necessity for classic BBQ. And, if you’re going to aspire to be such a grilling master, you’ll need to master the flame and get your grill properly blazing with even heat.

The BBQ Dragon is a new grilling gadget that will help you reach maximum flame efficiency faster. It’s a barbecue fire “supercharger” that directs a steady stream of oxygen onto flaring charcoals to prep them quickly. Once charged and clipped over your grill, it blows more hot air than (Insert name here. Example: Rush Limbaugh, Barack Obama, Shia  Labeouf, Nancy Grace, etc.).

The manufacturers say it can prep charcoal briquettes in 10 minutes, compared to the half hour it often takes otherwise. It can juice itself off a battery charger, a USB cable, a wall charger and a car unit  getting about 20 uses off a single charge. 

A clamp locks the metal device on the grill edge, while a heat resistant, flexible and snaking neck allows you to steer the air steam where it needs to go. While it’s obviously designed first for grilling, it can also breathe faster life into campfires, fireplaces and wood stoves.

The unit retails for $49.99, plus $11.99 S&H.