Google is Offering Prizes to its Google Maps Pokémon Hunters

Google is sending out prizes to the “Pokemon hunters” who successfully captured every Pokemon in its Google Maps Pokemon Challenge. 

The Google Maps Pokemon Challenge, which Google began as an April Fools’ joke, tasked players with capturing 151 Pokemon via the Google Maps app. Now the company has revealed that its users hard work won’t be in vain, as it will be rewarding those who successfully Caught ‘Em All a “small (free) token of [Google’s] appreciation”.

Those who caught each and every one of the 151 Pokemon have been asked to provide Google with their shipping info so the prizes can be sent to them.

It has not yet been revealed what the mystery prize is, and whether it will be Pokemon related or something from Google itself, but if you’re looking to Catch ‘Em All now you’re out of luck: Google has officially removed the Pokemon portion of the Google Maps app.

Watch the video for the Google Maps Pokemon Challenge below.