Sequel for Guardians of the Galaxy Already Set for 2016?

Okay, strap in comic fans: Crave’s CinemaBlend reported Thursday on a new rumor swirling around the interwebs — the previously untitled Marvel movie Disney is planning for May 2, 2016 is a sequel to Guardians of the Galaxy.

Couple things: First, Guardians is one of Disney’s more experimental Marvel movies. Are they really going to roll the dice that not only will the first one — due out, by the way, August 1 — be successful, but that the audience will immediately want more?

Second, there are no iconic Marvel characters in the Guardians. They are going to spend much of the first movie just introducing these characters.

Third, they still have a stable of recognizable and potentially more bankable Marvel characters they haven’t even given a movie to yet. Are they really going to keep Hulk, Black Panther or the Heroes for Hire on the shelf for this sequel?

Immediately head on over to Crave’s Facebook and let us know if, a) you believe this, and b) if you approve.