There just aren’t enough rapping football teams these days. The 1985 Chicago Bears knew that the fans wanted more than dumb ol’ sports; they released a song called The Super Bowl Shuffle that cracked the Billboard Hot 100 charts and became a huge hit. Y’know, it’s not too late for the Seahawks or the Broncos to lay down a track. Here are 5 parodies of The Super Bowl Shuffle:
Key & Peele – “East/West Bowl Rap” (Super Bowl Shuffle Parody)
Three years later, L’Carpetron actually did marry a football, but they divorced in 1998 over irreconcilable differences.
The Super Bowl Shuffle All-Star Comedian Cover
Featuring David Wain, Kyle Kinane, Scott Auckerman, and the greatest athlete of all-time, Lil Bub.
Will Arnett & Jimmy Fallon – “The Pro Bowl Shuffle” (Super Bowl Shuffle Parody)
Oh, Brett.
The League – “The Shiva Bowl Shuffle” (Super Bowl Shuffle Parody)
Alicia Keys never showed up… 🙁
Sex Offender Shuffle (Super Bowl Shuffle Parody)
Sam Pound is a little too excited to be participating.
Geoffrey Golden is a bestselling author and Editor-in-Chief of The Devastator comedy magazine.