Okay, even we are tired of hearing news that makes us worry about the Fantastic Four movie. From a new writer hired in October to rewrite the script, to the lack of anyone hired to play any of the main character despite screen tests apparently being done in October to shooting for New York in Louisiana. Nothing has made us feel good about this yet (you’ve been keeping hope alive for us, Michael B. Jordan).
Well, Crave’s SuperheroHype.com reported Tuesday that screenwriter Simon Kinberg has finished the script and that screen tests for the main characters continue. The report says the same actors are still trying out for the roles (Kit Harrington, Miles Teller and Jack O’Connell for Reed Richards. Saoirse Ronan and Kate Mara for Sue Storm), but there is still no word on who might play Ben Grimm (we’re worrying again).
Director Josh Trank is supposed to begin filming in March in Baton Rouge and Fantastic Four is due in theaters, at least for the moment, June 19, 2015. And that is one summer in which you do not want to suck.