11 Awful Movie Families

So you’re stuck at home on Thanksgiving, suffering through the usual indignities (we’re not married yet either, so tell your mom you’re not alone on that), and you’re beginning to wonder if any family could possibly be worse than yours. 

Yes. Yes they could. Don’t you watch movies?

Terrible families have been a dramatic staple since the dawn of drama, and movies have not proven the exception in the 100+ years that we’ve had them. In fact, coming up with a list of the most Awful Movie Families in history is something of a crap gig. We wish we hadn’t thought of it. We could whip out a Top 100 pretty easily, and narrowing it down to the Top 10 is kind of impossible. So these are the not the Top 11 Awful Movie Families. They are merely 11 extremely awful movie families, ranging from dangerously psychotic to merely insufferably annoying, that we hope you will consider before you sit down to Thanksgiving dinner. Your family probably isn’t that bad in comparison. And if they are as bad as the movie families we’re about to present to you, get out! Get out of the house right now and call the police!

Or at least move. Anyway, here we go…

William Bibbiani is the editor of CraveOnline’s Film Channel and co-host of The B-Movies Podcast. Follow him on Twitter at @WilliamBibbiani.