Tech Squibs: Kinivo BTX270 Wireless Bluetooth Portable Speaker

This Tech Squib proves good sound can be affordable, even if a product has a clunky name.

The folks at Kinivo specialize in portable audio equipment that performs well at a minimal cost. Whether you’re talking headphones, mini-speakers or wireless Bluetooth units like the BTX270 above, Kinivo wants to provide as much good sound in as inexpensive a setup as possible.

Take the Kinivo BTX270 Wireless Bluetooth Portable Speaker. Selling around $40, the unit needs a much snappier name as no one will remember its password jumble of digits — but it supports apt-X for quality digital audio.

A built-in rechargeable battery will maintain Bluetooth playback for about 8 hours via 2 x 3W drivers. FInally, the speaker’s battery status shows in iPhone and iPad via dedicated app.

There are more expensive Bluetooth speakers everywhere, and they might outperform the Kinivo on some levels. But, that performance doesn’t always warrant the price difference. The BTX270 is another example of solid, high value product from this manufacture.