5 Funny Versions of “Who’s On First?”

Baseball players have funny names these days. No, I’m not talking about Coco Crisp or Boof Bonser – that’s the set-up for the classic vaudeville comedy sketch “Who’s On First?” It’s been performed, re-written, and parodied countless times over the years; here are 5 versions this infuriating routine:


Who’s On First – Classic Abbott and Costello Version

I disagree. Nothing’s funnier than Sebastian Dinwiddie.


Who’s On First – Inappropriate Version

This classic routine was the inspiration for the movie Scarface.


Who’s On First – The Sequel

As usual, Jerry Seinfeld straightens everything out.


Who’s On First with Siri

The best thing to happen to iPhone since Abbott and Costello.


Who’s On First – Movie Edition

He should rent less movies with confusing titles.


Geoffrey Golden is the Editor in Chief of The Devastator: The Quarterly Comedy Magazine For Humans!