Many are eager to know why Diana Trout, portrayed by Miriam Shor, was not a regular cast member in Younger Season 7. Introduced in Season 1, she is a ballsy and honest personality, serving as the marketing head at Empirical Press. After being impressed by the main lead Liza’s interview and her youthful appearance, she provides her with a great opportunity. Nevertheless, many were left wondering about the true cause behind Diana’s shift from a regular to a recurring cast member in Season 7. So, here are the details.
Why Younger Season 7 reduced Diana’s role
Shor’s Diana received a recurring status in Younger Season 7 because of “scheduling” issues and “COVID-related matters.”
One of the fan-favorite characters, Diana, was a regular cast member until Season 6. The final season, however, showcased her only appearing once via a video call, which certainly disappointed fans. She wasn’t able to return to regular capacity due to the pandemic, which had impacted several productions across the world.
Earlier, TVLine confirmed that regulars Miriam Shor and Charles Michael Davis will not appear that much in the final season due to the reasons mentioned above. Creator Darren Star further explained, “However, they will always be a much loved and integral part of the ‘Younger’ family and have added so much heart and soul to the series.”
In Season 7, it’s learned that Diana continues to be in Italy, spending her honeymoon with Enzo Deluca. She appeared only once, making fans a bit disappointed to not get to see her in the season.
Many have long wondered whether Season 8 will ever happen as now the COVID situation has stabilized and all is well in the industry. But since Star designed Season 7 as the final one, it seems another season won’t be happening.
Originally reported by Shazmeen Navrange on ComingSoon.