summer problems
Two young adult women have fun eating ice cream cones outside on a warm day of summer vacation.

The Mandatory Guide To Handling Your First-World Summer Problems

Winter sucked, but come on, does summer really have to be this hot? While a complete list of First-World problems can theoretically stretch on forever, we painstakingly condensed our summertime woes into one comprehensive list of 12 “struggles” that everyone (sorry, Third World) can relate to. From losing your sunglasses to having your summer road trip ruined, we at Mandatory totally understand that life is hard and the struggle is real. By sticking together, yes we can make it through one more intolerable summer. Stay sexy America, and don’t give up.

Cover Photo: RyanJLane (Getty Images)

Sweeping the nation: Sun’s Out, Jorts Out: 19 Funny GIFs To Keep You From A Brave Mistake

Skip work now: Playing Hooky: Enjoy Summer With These Irrefutable Excuses

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