Chris Pine Got A DUI


CAPTAIN’S LOG: I’m fucked up yo. Not gonna lie.

Chris Pine was popped for DUI after blowing through a sobriety checkpoint and then allegedly blowing a .08. Pine had been partying at a bar in New Zealand with some fellow actors and his girlfriend, beauty queen Iris Bjork Johannesdottir. Law enforcement tells TMZ … he caught their eye after driving through the checkpoint.  Officers then made him stop and Chris reportedly blew a .08 … the minimum for being legally drunk. The incident occurred on March 1st.  He must appear in court on Monday, and if he doesn’t the judge will issue an arrest warrant. Chris was his usual charming self … very polite and “easy to deal with.”

Not sure if the sobriety test was having to spell his girlfriend’s name, because that seems like it would be pretty difficult. But whatever. About half the world has a DUI, and what else are you supposed to do in New Zealand besides drink? And surf. And have sex on an exotic, gorgeous beach in the Haurki Gulf. Or hike the Bay of Islands. Or see mountains, glaciers, volcanoes, and pristine coastlines unlike anything else you’ll see in the world. Okay. I guess he had other options. Sidenote: All of that would have been better with weed, Chris. Just fyi on that.