Kanye West Got Paid To Perform For A Dictator


Like his future mother-in-law, Jennifer Lopez and Beyonce, Kanye West has learned there is a lot of money to be made overseas as long as you don’t give a shit for the people who live there, so he jumped at the chance to perform at the wedding of Aisultan Nazarbayev. He’s the grandson of Kazakhstan President, Nursultan Nazarbayev. What did they pay him, a Bentley? Fur coat? A diamond chain? Nope, $3M. I wonder if they made him pick the cotton himself. New York Times reports:

Photographs and video of Mr. West at the Royal Tulip hotel in Almaty began appearing Saturday evening, when he stepped out of a black Mercedes onto a red carpet. Video on Instagram showed a gaggle of young wedding guests, their backs to the stage, posing for pictures with Mr. West as he performed “Can’t Tell Me Nothing.” Alyona Gadjilova, the photographer who uploaded the video to Instagram, refused to comment on the wedding when reached by phone on Monday evening. According to the Kazakh news agency Tengrinews, Mr. West was a personal guest of Mr. Nazarbayev’s. The leader’s grandson, Aisultan Nazarbayev, 23, married Alima Boranbayeva, the daughter of a top executive at a Kazakh state energy firm. Phone calls to the Kazakh presidential administration and to Mr. West’s publicist in New York were not returned on Monday.

Kanye said the second verse of New Slaves is the greatest verse in rap history. It totally is now, because obviously we’re not supposed to take it literally. He’s probably all in Kazakhstan braggin ’bout what he made.