Kanye West Is A Lunatic

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Mommy issues and a God complex. That’s the only way I can explain this. TMZ reports:

West was performing at the Big Chill music festival Saturday night … when he went on one of his signature rants … this time focusing on the hardships of being so painfully misunderstood. “I walk through the hotel and I walk down the street, and people look at me like I’m f**king insane … like I’m Hitler.” He continued, “One day the light will shine through and one day people will understand everything I ever did.” Moments later, Kanye suggested that he needed to be the MJ of music, “Michael Jordan changed so much in basketball, he took his power to make a difference. It’s so much f**king going on in music right now and somebody has to make a f**king difference.”

I really don’t know what Kanye’s magic mirror is telling him, but I think the “people look at me like I’m f**king insane … like I’m Hitler”, is really “hey, look. A black guy in an argyle cardigan and a fur coat. They still do that?”.