- George Clooney is slumming with Pamela Anderson [Dlisted]
- Jessica Biel hooks up with Justin Timberlake [Hollywood Rag]
- Scott Baio dishes all his dirt [A Socialite’s Life]
- Janice Dickinson slams Mick Jagger [City Rag]
- Chris Daughtry for free [Popsugar]
- Sienna Miller admits the obvious [Egotastic]
- Scarlett Johansson is Cinderella [Just Jared]
- Tara Reid used as a stage sex prop [Hollywood Tuna]
- Alice in Bloodland (Pan’s Labyrinth) [Pajiba]
- Will Ferrell for Mac [College Humor]
- I am – Rachel Hunter bikini pics of the day [Drunken Stepfather]