- Jack Nicholson to demolish Marlon Brando‘s old home [Hollywood Rag]
- Tom Cruise thinks people want to kidnap Suri [Popsugar]
- Mischa Barton is playing the (Rugby) field [Egotastic]
- Is Pam Anderson pregnant? [A Socialite’s Life]
- Kerry Katona will smoke through her pregnancy [D Listed]
- Brad Pitt and George Clooney on the set of Ocean’s Thirteen [Just Jared]
- Michelle Marsh is your new/old Ashlee Simpson [Hollywood Tuna]
- Hollywood’s hottest bodies [City Rag]
- Christopher Walken tries other jobs [Cracked]
- Jennifer Love Hewitt hearts the tabloids [the bastardly]
- Vintage Lindsay Lohan nip slip [EHOWA]
- Greatest X-Games wipeouts of all time [College Humor]