It’s never our intention to be socially conscious here, but Nicole Richie really needs our help. The only thing missing from these pictures is a bowl of rice and flies. Even the Guatemalan kid I sponsor would be too stuck up to be seen with Nicole Richie, and he brushes his teeth with a stick. If she got any skinnier, she’d be carrying a spear and chasing a lion.
20 Awful Tattoos
Thom Yorke's Lazy Eye
As imaginative as it is regrettable.
I'm still trying to work out what is more disturbing - those eyes, or the fact that his neck has a moustache.
The pits.
Face of a prom queen, armpit of a serial killer.
Typical 'Twilight' fan
Everybody's favourite love story immortalised on what appears to be the leg of a human.
Never Don't Give Up
Don't Ever Worry, I Never Don't Will.
The Turtle
He's probably as slow as the animal imprinted on his skull.
I don't know about you, but I'm aroused right now.
Just a velociraptor chasing after a pizza.
These tattoos might mean something to the person whose body they have ruined, but that still doesn't prevent them from being shit.
Taste the rainbow.
I hope she was paid a lot of money for this.
Sexy..? Part 2
Excuse me while I get a box of Kleenex and some hand lotion.
Place Boob Here
If there's such a thing as soul mates, there's a woman somewhere with "OK" printed across her breasts.
It's OK because he has a tattoo on his left arm that reads "WEAK-WILLED."
What Is This? I Don't Even...
Tattoos often say a lot about the person whose skin they adorn. For instance, this chap's tattoos say, "I have unresolved issues with my parents."
Drake Superfan
She's definitely 'Doing It Wrong.'
Hey, You've Got a Little Something By Your Eye...
"So what tattoo is it that you want?" "I want an armless, hairless slender alien slumped across my right eyelid, and some black smudges on my shoulders." "Popular choice!"
I Want to Break Free...of This Idiot
A Bohemian Rhapshitty tattoo.
It was probably funny at the time...
...and it was probably less funny when this guy came to the realisation that the only way this tattoo makes any sense is if his friend's face is next to his arse.
You're a photographer. We get it.
It's wrong to judge a book by this cover, but this girl clearly has an Instagram page filled with photos of coffee she's drinking.
Letter to Mom
If this girl intended her tattoo to make her future partners think about their moms while having sex with her, then it worked wonderfully.
Fill in the Blanks
"I should have really thought this through."