- Meg Ryan out and about with her baby [Popsugar]
- Keira Knightley‘s nasty feet [Hollywood Rag]
- Spider-Man 3 films in NYC [City Rag]
- Pamela Anderson can’t hide from her boobs [Hollywood Tuna]
- Lindsay Lohan gets Proactiv [Egotastic]
- Angelina Jolie still hates her father [D Listed]
- Amy Sedaris tumbles on The Colbert Report [Best Week Ever]
- Hayden Christensen wasted in Canada [Just Jared]
- Dave Chappelle is back [College Humor]
- Nick Lachey opens up [A Socialite’s Life]
- Rachael Ray‘s FHM shoot [Save Manny]
- Cruise/Shields’ births new twists [TMZ]
- New Rules, Same Ol’ Shit (The Emmy Nominations) [Pajiba]