- Goldie Hawn and her lips [A Socialite’s Life]
- Lindsay Lohan‘s chalky lips [Hollywood Rag]
- Give the Olsen Twins another 18 years [Hollywood Tuna]
- Rebecca Romijn says she’s not fat [Popsugar]
- 50 Cent knows a ho [City Rag]
- Thongs on hairy men are sexy (Ali G/Borat) [Just Jared]
- Ice T‘s main ho, Coco, says she’s only 27 [D Listed]
- The Aquaman trailer is online [Egotastic]
- Jackass 2 is coming! (Thanks, Ben) [Jackass]
- Fire Crotch: The Sequel [Goldenfiddle]
- Demi Moore‘s child bride earns his keep [CelebNewsWire]