- Denise Richards is dead to Heather Locklear [A Socialite’s Life]
- Vivica and Tisha: plastic surgery nightmares [Hollywood Rag]
- Sienna Miller: still stupid [Egotastic]
- Hollywood’s body double secrets revealed [City Rag]
- No, Nicole Kidman didn’t wish Katie well [Popsugar]
- Victoria’s Secret models selling it [Hollywood Tuna]
- Britney‘s shopping for a new nanny [D Listed]
- Brad makes Angelina giggle [Just Jared]
- Insane preacher + local cable access = gold [College Humor]
- Tom Cruise‘s Nike commercial [Best Week Ever]
- Chris Rock‘s baby mama drama [Save Manny]
- “…But I Did Just Crap My Pants…” (Silent Hill) [Pajiba]
- Exclusive interview with Sean Preston Spears [Cracked]
- The Man Show‘s “Worst Jobs in America” [Daily Sixer]