Clay Aiken was bullied

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From AOL : Multiplatinum-selling singer Clay Aiken (talked) about his own experiences with bullying … on the syndicated “Dr. Phil” show Tuesday … “The first two years of high school, I was shy,” Aiken told Cosmo Girl. “I got picked on for the way I was dressed. I had Coke-bottle glasses, and my hair was just atrocious.”

Just based on the fact that you do interviews with Dr. Phil and Cosmo Girl leads me to side with the bullies and assume that they were right to preemptively beat you. Although it’s hard to argue the street cred of references like “Coke-bottle glasses” (I’ll ignore the fact that Coke bottles haven’t been made of glass for about 130 years now).

Some one close to this little lady needs to point out that not everything needs to be confessed to. Some things are just sort of assumed, and one of those is definitely that helpful bigger kids were nice enough to relieve a sugary treat like Clay Aiken of sinful worldly possessions like money, pride and his pants. His first clue to this should have been back when the dentist eventually stopped joking about how someone could need a new retainer every single week.

A quote from Clay’s mom : “I don’t know that he was bullied so much as he was just ignored.” Nice. Isn’t there some maternal instinct that’s supposed to kick in and prevent Moms from admitting that their kids are such invisible blank slates that they didn’t even merit a mindless beating. Like, not even by a freshman looking to make a name for herself by beating up a senior and proving to everyone that Wheels from the Burger King Kids Club Gang was right and handicapped kids can do cool stuff too.