Mariah Carey is demanding

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According to various reports in the British press, “During a trip to London to promote ‘The Emancipation of Mimi,’ Mariah Carey refused to enter a hotel until getting the red carpet treatment – literally … when the hotel had forgotten to roll out a red carpet flanked by the correct number of large white candles by her arrival time of 2.15 a.m., Mariah had her cavalcade of limos circle around the block until everything was in order. Hotel staff were summoned and told that Ms. Carey will not step on bare pavement. Once the plush red rug was rolled out and the candles were lit, Mariah was ushered inside…”

Someone needs to get Mariah Carey a calendar or better yet a time machine because she seems to think it’s still cute to pull this diva stuff. I know she still puts out a record every few years, but so the hell what, so do those dogs who bark Christmas carols. Someone should also point out that likable people tend to be more likable, nice people are often thought of as nice and only morons act like the streets of London are lined with bear traps and can’t be walked on unless padded with extra-comfy red carpet. And throwing around the word ’emancipation’ isn’t doin’ you any favors either. Yeah, you’ve really suffered haven’t you, honey? How about ’emancipating’ my ears from you doing that high-pitched crap ever again. I heard “Someday” in a club one time through speakers that could turn bones to dust and I’ve been sterile ever since.

And confusing gets confusinger when you look at the picture on the new record, which looks a lot more like Beyonce than Mariah. It seems mildly suspicious since all the pics below are from the same cover album photo shoot and every one of them is better.

You’re not foolin anyone Mariah. I don’t care how great your rack is, I … okay, I do care how great your rack is but you’re still kind of a bitch.