Iggy Azalea’s Butt Is Fake News


Iggy Azalea and the Cash Me Outside chick are basically the same, except Iggy Azalea has to come all the way from Australia to be a black girl from the hood. She must have thought Danielle Bergoli was trying to take over block that nobody else wants to stand on and released a music video for her new song(?) “Mo Bounce”. Haha, “mo” means “more” if you didn’t know that from watching Yo MTV Raps! after school in Wales like Iggy did. I guess this song refers to her ass that she wants us to think looks like that picture when in reality Iggy Azalea’s ass looks like this. This video would have made more sense if the guy on the motorcycle was taking her to Popeye’s and he wasn’t driving a motorcycle he was driving a flatbed truck and she was strapped to the back and a TLC camera crew was there.