Miranda Kerr Will Get You Fired, Then Help

David Kiely, an employee at the Macquarie Bank in Australia, was looking at pictures of Miranda Kerr at his desk while in full view of the Seven Network news camera that was interviewing Martin Lakos, another employee at the bank, about interest rates. Kiely is now under internal investigation and may be fired. Miranda to the rescue! AFP reports:

Victoria’s Secret model Miranda Kerr said she would happily sign a petition urging Macquarie Bank not to fire David Kiely, who is under internal investigation after the incident this week. Kiely was shown clicking on semi-naked pictures of Kerr, apparently unaware that a colleague behind him was being interviewed for Australia’s Seven Network about interest rates. Video of the gaffe generated hundreds of thousands of hits on YouTube and inspired several Facebook pages supporting the banker, as well as a popular “Save Dave” campaign by London-based business website hereisthecity.com. “I am told there is a petition to save his job and of course I would sign it,” Kerr told reporters in Sydney on Thursday.

It’s part of my job to look at Miranda Kerr pictures all day, but maybe I can take my laptop to Chuck E. Cheese at look at them there, so something like this would happen. Then Miranda Kerr can sign my petition. And my “petition”, I mean “cock”.

Note: I wonder how much postage I have to pay for mailing in this post?