Today’s Funny Photos 6-21-17

Guess what today is? No, it’s not quit your job and tell your boss off day (although that would be quite the sight), it’s actually Wednesday, so of course we have some hump day funnies ready to go for you all. You know the drill folks: sit back, try and forget that you hate yourself and everyone around you, pretend all is well, drown your misery away and start to scroll through these amazing funnies. I mean, have we let you down before? We have? Well…this time we won’t! So take a stab at these and get ready to laugh!

And also get ready to laugh some more once you follow us on Twitter and on Instagram.




And here are more people who tried to cook for their significant others and failed miserably. Like, big time.




And this grandma who got chimp poop thrown at her was also not very happy.






Wanna see something even hotter, folks? Well, just check out yesterday’s Funny Photos. That should do the trick.