Today’s Funny Photos 5-19-17

Friday! Sorry, just had to belt that out. OK, I didn’t really belt it out, but I’m pretty excited that we’ve all gotten through another workweek — this week actually went kind of fast. But of course this week wasn’t without its share of bizarre news stories, meltdowns in the politics side of things, people getting into brawls and a lot more. So you know, the usual. And one way to distract ourselves from all that chaos is to once again dive into a new batch of Funny Photos. Because how else are you going to end the workweek on a good note? Get drunk? Yeah, that’s a good idea. But first check out these funnies!

And always remember to check us out on Twitter and on Instagram, too!





Now that we are talking about the best parts, we might as well talk about the time Taylor Swift bent over and it was photoshopped.




And once you’re done thinking about beans you can check out more of our Funny Photos and think about them all night long.





Well that’s…uncomfortable. For everyone. But don’t worry, there was plenty of more awkwardness and laughs in yesterday’s Funny Photos.