The Week’s Funniest GIFs 3-30-17

Life comes at you hard and fast sometimes, but thanks to the magic of GIFs, you’re able to relive those moments on a constant loop. What an age we live in, huh? So knock out yet another weekly round of the funniest looped LOLz this side of the internet. Wait, are there sides to the internet? Eh, that’s a question for another time. You’ve got some laughing to do.

Mandatory is always posting hilarious GIFs on Facebook and Twitter.
It never hurts to stretch.
OK, cool. I’ll meet you down there for the low five.
Add it to the collection.
Wait! That was a load-bearing flower–!
Some people just can’t take a leisurely vacation.
Clever girl…
You snooze, you lose. That’s only been the rules for, like, ever.
He’s good, but what he charges is nuts.
You really can’t go wrong emulating Mr. T.
I guess there’s such a thing as being too quick on the draw.
I can think of worse places for a snake to get stuck.
He’s a turtle. How quick can he–

That was a horrifying way too end things. Then again, you can keep the LOLz looping by checking out even more hilarious GIFs.