Today’s Funny Photos 3-8-17

Do you know what you should be in the mood for this Wednesday? Or, as the young lads call it, Hump-day. Not sure? Well, you should be in the mood for some Funny Photos. Then again, Funny Photos should be something that you’re always up for, even if you’re just having a miserable day. You see, it’s a win-win. If you’re happy, our Funny Photos will make you even happier, and if you’re not happy, our Funny Photos will lift your spirits. See? Win-win. And that’s just pretty damn awesome. So enjoy these middle-of-the-week funnies, and remember, this is one fresh batch of laughs.

Enjoy the day, and don’t forget to follow Mandatory on Twitter and Instagram. Thanks, folks!




Well, at least you know what it would look like if Mario was running through the streets in Grand Theft Auto.



What’s more shocking? More funnies on Page 2, that’s what?!