Today’s Funny Photos 3-3-17

It was a rough week personally, and instead of talking it over with my close friends and family, I’m going to instead vent to you folks: my second family. Now before you go off and say that we aren’t a family, just realize that even after you folks bash us sometimes, we still come crawling back looking for love and attention. Now that’s a real family — people who fight an unhealthy amount and never reach out for help. And now that that dreary moment has passed, let me tell you all something positive. It’s Friday!

So forget about this long, garbage week, put your worries on the back burner for now until they creep up on you out of nowhere later, and enjoy some of our Funny Photos. Because laughing is the best medicine. Unless you have some actual medicine.

Make sure to follow more of Mandatory on Instagram and Twitter.

Today’s Funny Photos 3-3-17




And speaking of salad: More Proof You Should Skip Salad: Woman Finds Dead Lizard In Her Salad


Catch more funnies on Page 2!