Bold Choice To Hit On A Girl By Ramming Her Car And Throwing A Dog At Her

Some guys profess their love for a woman by spray-painting a heart on a bridge or hiring one of those skywriting planes to spell it out at 10,000 feet.

Well, Howard Van Sweringen went a different route with his pursuit of 35-year-old Kristina Fuller. A very different route.

According to BroBible, the 41-year-old Florida man was arrested last Thursday at Lakeland High School after his attempts to “talk with her at any cost” backfired big time.

Police said Van Sweringen’s pursuit Fuller included “ramming her vehicle several times and, at one point, throwing his dog at her.” It turns out that despite the fact that they were in Florida, it didn’t have the charming effect Van Sweringen had hoped for. Instead, when a police officer approached Sweringen at the school, he started yelling and acting erratically, so he was arrested and charged with aggravated battery and trespassing on school grounds.

Fuller said Van Sweringen’s actions left her absolutely terrified instead of head over heels for him.

“At every stop sign, he would come up next to my truck,” she said. “I started going down random roads just to try to get rid of him. He gets out of his truck, walks up to my door and I roll down my window a bit. He threw his dog through the window. I was yelling at him. He gets back in his truck and starts hitting my truck from behind. He seemed completely out of his mind.”

“Completely out of his mind” is probably the best way to sum up Van Sweringen, who allegedly told cops that he didn’t know Fuller, “but knew he had to watch her.”

Yeah, even for “Florida Man,” that’s pretty fucked up.

“Florida Man” at his finest: Florida Man Had Sex With His Pit Bull In Front Of His Neighbors