Australian Janitor Wins $118K After Cleaning Up Co-Workers’ Orgy Scene At School Left Him Traumatized

Photo:  fstop123 (Getty)

Just when I think I’ve written every headline there is to write, this gem comes along.

Hey, if a teacher showing up drunk to work can win a lawsuit, anyone can. An unnamed janitor at an Australian school was going about his cleaning routine when he came across a staff room filled with beer, condoms and a mattress. His supervisor and a groundsman apparently had filled up the condoms with cream, and even placed women’s panties around the room to make it look like a sex party had just taken place. It was all a prank, but the two guys didn’t admit to it right away. Understandably, this traumatized the janitor.

Australian Janitor Awarded $118K After Cleaning Up Fake Orgy Scene

Photo: Samuel Goldwyn Films

The janitor was so shaken up, in fact, that he took his case to Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal. And guess what — the dude actually won $118,000. Wow, mate.

Bruce Simmonds, the man’s lawyer, said his client was convinced the scene was real and it left him traumatized. Simmonds added:

He was horrified and subjected to great emotional stress by this trauma especially when they didn’t own up to the joke and left him believing it was real. He was devastated by the incident. Who could he speak to? Who should he report this to? He bottled it up.

Furthermore, Simmonds said that his client is “humiliated” by all of this.

Officials accepted that the joke had left him severely distressed and ordered the state’s Department of Education and Training to hand the janitor some cash to make things all better. Yes, the janitor is a drama queen in all this, but at least he’s $118K richer.

h/t Elite Daily

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