Gold Digger Prank Proves That Money Still Reigns Supreme

Before Kanye West lost his mind, his “Gold Digger” song reminded us that some gals only have money on their minds. The prank below is just another example that shows that.

YouTube prankster (not a real job despite people trying to convince us it is) Josh Paler Lin decided to play a trick on a hot, unsuspecting woman. Josh shows up looking like a bum, hoping to get the young woman’s number, and is rejected. Moments later, his accomplice shows up in a suit and fancy car, and of course the blonde is a bit more interested in this dude.

Check out how the prank unfolds from there:

Hell, this is probably fake; mostly because her acting looks like she just stepped out of “Acting 101” at the YMCA, but it still proves that money still rules all.

h/t The Lad Bible

And here’s more proof: This Lamborghini Gold Digger Prank Is Hysterical Yet Sad At The Same Time