This Children’s Math Problem Is Driving Everyone Insane

Here’s a quick way to find out if you can flip your desk over at work.

While you probably haven’t yet used all those math equations they attempted to teach you in school, and will probably survive the rest of your life if you at least know how to add and subtract, a “simple” children’s math problem is driving everyone mad.

The problem wants you to attach a numerical value to a bunch of fruit. But the real problem is that I don’t know what the hell is going on. Check out the equations below and see if you can figure it out or if you just end up hating math and fruit even more:

If you’re cursing out your math teacher, here’s how Mashable arrives at what they think is the correct answer:

Some believe that if a pair of coconut halves equals two, then a single coconut half must equal one. Similarly, they believe that if a bundle of four bananas equals four, then a bundle of three must equal three, leaving a final answer of 14.

Others believe that the coconut image always equals two, while the bundle of bananas image always equals four, regardless of changes in illustration. By this thinking, the answer is 16.

I’m just going to stick with counting on my fingers.

Here’s another math problem to make you upset: The Internet is Going Nuts Over This Math Problem From Singapore