Super Skinny Russian Model Pissed People Off By Captioning Her Photo ‘Plus Size’

Anastasia Reshetova, a 19-year-old model from Russia, recently caused a stir on social media when she posted the photo below on her Instagram with the caption “Plus Size Model” (followed by the pig nose emoji). And of course people weren’t happy about that. Check out the photo:

Plus Size Model (@incantoclub) #shameless

A photo posted by Miss Russia (@volkonskaya_reshetova) on

The size 6 model didn’t stop there, adding the hashtag, #shameless to the photo. Some people believe Anastasia was simply poking fun at critics who have called her too thin, while many people think she actually believes she’s a plus-size model.

oh, baby , you should go and f*ck yourself)))

A photo posted by Miss Russia (@volkonskaya_reshetova) on

Many others think the model captioned the photo as “Plus Size” in order to attract an even larger audience, thus gaining more followers.

Regardless of Anastasia’s reason, I think we can all agree she isn’t plus-size. If she is, then I’m pretty much going to die from being obese any day now. But hey, enjoy some more photos of this Russian model who may or may not be off her rocker:

A photo posted by Miss Russia (@volkonskaya_reshetova) on

say “hello” to my devil

A photo posted by Miss Russia (@volkonskaya_reshetova) on

Waiting for swell #lostinparadise #surf #serfing #ankercompany

A photo posted by Miss Russia (@volkonskaya_reshetova) on

Дабы взбодриться лишний раз

A photo posted by Miss Russia (@volkonskaya_reshetova) on

h/t Mirror

And here’s an airhead who also ruffled feathers: This Girl Posted A ‘Dear Fat People’ Video And It’s Pissing Everyone Off