Guy Discovers Roommate’s Masturbation Tissues Now Have Penis-Shaped Mushrooms On Them

Time to make my mom proud again by telling you folks about a guy who discovered that his roommate was basically hording his post-masturbation tissues in a bin. In fact, he hid them for so long that penis-shaped mushrooms grew on them. Well, now you have to read.

A Reddit user thought it would be a smart idea to gross out the Internet by posting the image below and explaining that his roommate’s pleasure tissues grew mushrooms on them. And, oh yeah, they even look like penises in what has to be the worst job of hiding evidence ever.

For those who have weak eyes, let’s take a closer look at this:

The image seems to come from Indonesia, and the Reddit user behind the image included more information on this gross picture.

So one male friend was afraid that his other male friend might know he masturbates. Here’s a piece of information for everyone: If you have a pulse, chances are you’ve enjoyed yourself. A lot. And chances are people know.

Some things don’t stay hidden for long and sometimes the evidence shows itself. And yeah, sometimes it’s penis-shaped.

h/t Someecards

And some guys have no shame at all: Some Guy Tracked His Masturbation Habits For Three Months