Scottish Guy Drowns Out Anti-Gay Street Preacher With Bagpipes

There are a lot of idiots out there who wake up and decide they’re going to take hours out of their day to rant and yell hateful things on the street just for the hell out of it. And while many of us sometimes want to yell back and point out how dumb they sound, one Scottish guy decided to take a better route — the bagpipes route.

When a homophobic preacher hit Market Street in St. Andrews with a microphone and amplifier and started screaming about how gay marriage is ruining the economy, a Scottish guy thought it was time to showcase his bagpipes skills. There’s always time for bagpipes.

The preacher was apparently warned by police that he was disturbing the peace. Kudos to the Scottish guy for thinking of a nonviolent way of shutting up all that nonsense the preacher was spewing, and kudos to him for reminding us of the power of bagpipes.

Bagpipes may have been needed here: Scottish People Are Hard To Understand When They’re Angry