Airline Pilot Allows Ex-Porn Star Chloe Mafia Into Cockpit

While the general hope when you’re on a plane is that you survive, you may now have to worry about a pilot being distracted by an ex-porn star long enough for you not to make it to your destination, which is something that could have occurred when a Kuwait airline pilot invited ex-porn star Chloe Mafia into the cock pilot.

Chloe herself was apparently shocked when the pilot not only invited her into the cockpit, but gave her alcohol, asked to see her breasts, and smoked cigarettes while flying the plane as well.

The pilot, who referred to himself as the “naughty pilot,” invited Chloe and her model friends into the cockpit 30 minutes after take-off.

According to Chloe:

“The seatbelt signs had just gone off and a stewardess came and said the pilot wanted us to go to the cockpit. They locked the door and the captain introduced himself and said ‘Hi, I’m the naughty pilot’.”

“He said he lets sexy girls in the cockpit, even though he’s not supposed to, because he ‘made the rules.'”

The pilot also sang along to Disney tunes while the 300 passengers he was responsible for had no idea what was occurring. Although, in his defense, it is extremely difficult not to sing along to Disney tunes, even while in the company of an ex-porn star.

Since the September terrorist attacks, passengers are no longer allowed in the cockpit, even if a pilot wants to desperately fulfill one of his fantasies.

The pilot will most likely lose his job, just like this pilot who got the axe for inviting hot girls into the cockpit.

Via Mirror