Belligerent Drunk Restrained With Seatbelts And Tape On Flight

I know that drinking is fun and one should take advantage of liquor whenever it is provided, but if you’re going to drink in a public place, especially on a flight, please don’t act like a dick. Because if you do, passengers may take the matter into their own hands like they did with the guy below.

On a Siberia Airlines flight from Hong Kong to Vladivostok, Russia, a drunk man that crossed the line a tad too much and was being abusive towards his fellow passengers, had to be restrained by them using nothing but some tape and seatbelts.

The man remained restrained until the plane landed in Vladivostok, where he was detained by the authorities. As if landing in Russia couldn’t be bad enough.

Watch video of the man being tackled by passengers, before being punched and kicked on the ground, below.

Next time, this man should just wait and get drunk alone in his hotel room like normal folks do.

Via Telegraph